USB booting :: Frugal and installing packages

Do you mean you don't want to use a frugal install at all?  It's unclear what you want exactly...

But if you do mean this, I suppose you could enter sdXx under the hd-install scripts, or something along those lines.  Tbh though, DSL frugal installs are the way to go.

All right, for clarity I will spell out exactly what I am hoping for including what I've already accomplished.

I want my 1Gb flash drive to be bootable  :D
I want my flash drive to also support embedded  :D
I want the embedded and boot image to refer to the same thing so changes in one location are reflected in the other  :)
I want my files, apps, installs, everything to be saved on the flash drive and be available to either system whether it be booted or embedded. Preferrably without requiring backup/restore or the like but I'll take what I can get.  :(

Emoticons represent amount of progress I've made in getting my goals accomplished.

Current issue as I understand it:
When using backup/restore to port files and settings from boot/qemu, Qemu looks for backups in harddisk which shows up as hdb and not on the root of the flashdrive.

Solution: Got to figure out how to set qemu to store and read the flashdrive instead of a file. If I can get that then DSL will save settings and files in embedded mode that can easily be accessed by booted mode.

I'm just gonna paste my first google link...

Its for windows, but I'm pretty sure its similar for the linux script.

You, sir, are awesome! I had searched through the qemu pages but not that one. It's still a bit buggy but it will serve my purposes quite well.

For those who want the dual boot and embedded system. This is what my dsl-windows.bat file looks like after much tweaking and testing:
Code Sample

REM Start qemu on windows.

START qemu\qemu.exe -L qemu/ -no-kqemu -m 128 -soundhw sb16 -localtime -kernel linux24 -initrd minirt24.gz -hda

KNOPPIX/knoppix -hdb \\.\PhysicalDrive1 -append "qemu sb=0x220,5,1,5 frugal quiet modules=hdb noscsi nofirewire nousb

atapicd noideraid noacpi acpi=off noapm noagp ide1=noprobe ide2=noprobe nomce restore=hdb1"


A note that the bug I mentioned is one for qemu and the host operating system. In this case, when DSL creates backup.tar.gz on the flashdrive, windows sees a file but the data is not linked to the file. Thus, the file is said to be corrupt and can't be opened or even loaded back into qemu. This problem is the reason I didn't just set hda to be the flashdrive itself. It needs to have the image and ramdisk "buffering" to prevent fatal errors. So the bug is that you can only backup/restore once in embedded mode per host OS reboot, but you can do it as much as you want in booted mode.

Now to get my network cards recognized in bootable mode and we'll be cooking with gas!

That's an interesting bug...  what happens if you unplug and replug the usb?
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