USB booting :: HDD - usb box installation

Hi all!

I have an old laptop on which I'd like to make an installation of DSL on.

the problem is that the laptop has no CD, nor works its floppy disk. the laptop's BIOS has no USB installation.

the only way I can access its hard disk is to detach the HDDand connect it to a USB box and access it as an external Disk on key on another machine.

My question is how to make a DSL-HDD installation to a USB disk-on-key so that (when connected again to the laptop) it boots as a primary disk.

thanks in advance

Boot DSL livecd with
dsl 2 nosound

cfdisk /dev/sda

Delete partitions, and create 2 new. One about 128Mb, and one the rest. Let's say sda1 was the 128Mb and sda2 the rest. Press Write.
Quit cfdisk and type:
mkswap /dev/sda1
swapon /dev/sda1
mke2fs /dev/sda2

Now use this bootcode:

Choose Traditional Hd install
when asked, give /dev/sda2 if asked for /dev/something
and sda2 if asked for hda2/something

original here.