USB booting :: Still problems around with mouse

Hi all

I like the idea of DSL very much, and I already installed it on my USB stick.
I'll install it also on my prehistoric pentium I /40MB RAM/ 650MB HD laptop... :D

My problem is at startup with USB stick. I only have one single box with USB-boot enabled BIOS, so I can't reproduce the problem anywhere else.

When I boot from the USB stick, everything runs fine and comes up - but the mouse doesn't work! I noticed that at X start the mouse pointer is visible. If I move the mouse, the pointer jumps to the lower margin of my desktop and I can't select anything - thus I can't use it!!!

I boot on a modern HP PC with 1024 MB RAM. The mouse is a standard PS/2 mouse with 2 buttons and a wheel. No USB mouse, no bluetooth, no optical...

I already tried xsetup, but no success. Funny: when I start DSL through Qemu in WinXP, everything is fine and I can use the mouse!!! So it can't be a hardware issue.

I read some people had the same problem in other threads, but most solved it by just bying a new mouse...which is not my solution (It's not my PC), and I think this should be fixed.

Any ideas?

thanks all and congratulations for the work done.

I already tried xsetup, but no success. Funny: when I start DSL through Qemu in WinXP, everything is fine and I can use the mouse!!!
That's not funny at all... it's expected behaviour.

After you ran xsetup, did you restart X? (You may have better results trying a full xserver though.. usually I do this for laptops)

Actually I used xsetup as boot option, so
xsetup comes up before X. So, no,
I didn't restart X after xsetup, but X was not up
yet when xsetup finished ...

Still no idea what could be done?
i have the same problem
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