USB booting :: usb starts up ... hangs

If it got to scanning your HD, it has already booted from usb.
Add "nofstab" to your options to skip the HD scan

a little further down the booting process

nofstab got it past the hang at /etc/fstab/

this time it made it to the point where unionfs registered, su,xversa,xauth and then it hung at e100:NIC

is there a way to redirect the ouput on boot to a file so that I can attach that to my post?

Sorry, nope, unless you have the equipment for a serial console.
Syslogd (boot option syslogd) would log the kernel messages, but not the boot script's messages.
You can also see the kernel messages by adding "debug" and then scroll up and down with shift-PgUP/PgDown

original here.