USB booting :: usb with toram
Thanks for the instructions. I use toram because I dont like moving parts when using my laptop. booting from cd was troublesome as I need to store dsl cd to watch dvd. With usb toram, I get rw access to pendrive .
thanks again
Makes me wonder why they haven't made this change to the main distribution because I *still* have to do this when installing to usb key and using toram. 
As far as I can tell the problem is with Windows and not with DSL. Windows is not case-sensitive...if you copy a file with uppercase filename it may convert it to lowercase, which in my opinion is a faulty copy.
Also, this issue was fixed on our end a long while back, I believe. The usb script should see both upper and lower-case knoppix images.
I have a DSL 0.9.0 version. I burnt it on a CD and then tried to install it onto my USB..I get an error. I used Install into USB option.
Do I have to be online....
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