USB booting :: (doc) step by step of  usb booting

My understanding is:

For windows 95/98/ME: -s D:

For Windows NT/2000/XP:

syslinux.exe -s D:

where "D:" is the driver letter for your USB device.

Quote (cpfong @ Jan. 20 2005,04:28)
3. switch to window 2000 system
ftp 2 files (bootusb-0.8.img winima70.exe) and one directory (dsl92) from FreeBSD4.7
format flash disk as FAT (not FAT32)
install winimage 70
run winimage --> File --> Open --> bootusb-0.8.img --> Disk --> Use removable Disk F: -->
Disk --> Write Disk --> yes --> File --> Exit

BLABLA: it is ok I did it and able to run from pendrive, but I do not want to switch back to win. so how to do this resize to my sda2
I have a workable grub on my sda1 (thx to ), and I can boot with it from sda2, with kernel blabla initrd blabla, but I want to boot with root (hd0,1) ((sda2)) chainloader +1

Q: Am I able to install syslinux to sda2 from usbboot0.8.img under linux, or do I need to switch back to win?
if yes, please give me a step by step howto


I just spent a couple days trying to get 2 different 512mb Sandisk Micros to boot.  One was newer and that was pretty easy, just use syslinux 2.11 instead of bootimg which is 2.0.6.  On the newer Micro, syslinux was hanging and wouldn't get into the boot screen so updating syslinux fixed it.

The 2nd Micro was older and much harder.  I tried it all, winimage on Win and sfdisk/dsl-install.  No matter what I tried, I couldn't get it to boot.  Then I ran across this page:

By formatting the drive and double checking the sectors, I finally got the BIOS to recognize it as a boot drive.  Sometimes it still requires a warm boot to pick it up.  But check the sectors, syslinux it, copy over the bootimg files, and the dsl files. I think this is more of an old Sandisk issue than something in bootimg/dsl-install/winimage.

Probably not a recommended approach to the problem, but it did fix my problem.

original here.