USB booting :: (doc) step by step of  usb booting

yes by ultraiso or winrar you can unpack iso image.
Quote (bruce lee @ Jan. 28 2005,01:38)
Hi Somebody,

I am in "Window Xp" and how can i use this :

2. convert iso into directory
vnconfig -c /dev/vn0c dsl-0.9.2.iso
mount -t cd9660 /dev/vn0c /mnt
mkdir ~/dsl92
cd ~/dsl92
(cd /mnt; tar cfv - .) | tar xfv -

Can "UltraIso" do the same ?

Thanks !!!

tar xxxx <--- this is for unix system
since you are using xp
you can use winimage to mount the iso
to a drive (for example z:) then copy all
file under z: to your usb pen drive

Hi somebody,

1/ I formated my USB Key (Lexar 128 Mo) in FAT16 with Hp utility, without copy of files system from Diskett.
2/ I use "WinImage 7.0" to extract "bootusb-0.8.img" to my Usb Key
3/ I use "UltraIso" to decompress "dsl-0.9.2.iso" in a temporary Directory
4/ I copy "\boot\isolinux\boot.msg" from my temporary Directory to my Usb Key overriting this
5/ I copy all the files of my temporary Directory to my Usb Key in the Root
6/ I boot it and it work fine

I am happy !!!

Enjoy !!!

Quote (cpfong @ Jan. 20 2005,04:28)
2. convert iso into directory
vnconfig -c /dev/vn0c dsl-0.9.2.iso
mount -t cd9660 /dev/vn0c /mnt
mkdir ~/dsl92
cd ~/dsl92
(cd /mnt; tar cfv - .) | tar xfv -

Your instructions were awesome, I'm posting with DSL running on a sandisk cruzer mini 512MB that I got for $40.  It works with linux and windoze, and boots fast with DSL.  I'd just like to add to your instructions that you do not NEED to be in FreeBSD for step #2.  You can use winimage to open the dsl-0.9.2.iso and drag and drop the files to a temp directory on your windows desktop.  This is great!

Daemon Tools will do the trick.

In fact, as far as i know any software that can mount an image as a drive should be ok. Mount the DSL image, and copy the contents to the USB Drive.

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