USB booting :: Jumpdrive wont boot

hey i have a Lexar Jumpdrive Secure 512mb and it gets to the screen where it says "hit enter to boot" i hit enter and i goes to the next screen with tux up in the lefthand corner and just sits there, i left it on that screen for like 2 hours and it didnt do anything. anyone know how to fix this?

I bought this same USB Flash stick a few days ago, and have the same problem.. not sure why or what, appears to be on the bootloader. Will check around forums, I think i saw a solution somewhere! If I do figure it out, will reply here.



I am successfull with Lexar Jumpdrive 256 Mo and format with FAT by Hp Tools, but not with 512 Mo. There is "Boot Failed".

Anybody have an idea.

Thanks !!!

First of all, welcome to DSL.

One of the things that really impresses people when they start with DSL is the amount of knowledge that is poured into this forum. The forum is huge and has a tremendous amount of information. It is actually very rare where someone has a completely unique issue to resolve.

The best way to get common questions answered quickly is to use the forum search button. If you click "Search", enter "Lexar", choose "All Open Forums" and go to the bottom and choose "From the beginning" you will find quite a few threads about usb booting and the Lexar drive specifically.

Give that a try and see if that gets you what you need. If you still have questions, post a question with the appropriate thread and someone will help you.

Good luck and Welcome To The Revolution!


I'm having the same problem with a Lexar Elite 256MB.

I've searched all over the forums, and this is the only post that presents such behavior.

I formatted the USB stick using HP tools, redid the thing from Windows, and same thing.

I get the boot prompt, I see two penguins, the cursos blinks and nothign happens.

If I press Left Control, I can see the "probing usb..." and that's it. Nothing else.

Is my usb stick teh suck?

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