USB booting :: Why not image a sucsessful install?
Hate to bother you, but I thought DSL embedded was for running UNDER Win. only? Please tell me I`m wrong! Or... you just did didn`t you?cbagger told you. I have told you, and Saidin Unleashed told you.
You say it is not newbie friendly. Well guess what...
Use your own instructions that you posted. Download, unzip, copy to USB, syslinux it make it bootable. No cdrom required. can be booted 5 ways.
1. from BIOS via Syslinux 2. from Qemu via Windows 3. from Qemu via Linux 4. from a boot floppy 5. from booting from a DSL cdrom
It is not just for windows!
Quote (roberts @ Feb. 19 2005,18:17)
So download the, unzip & copy to USB Then syslinux the USB and away you go!
Pardon my newbieness but would you explain how does one "syslinux the USB" please? :)I presume u are using windows