USB booting :: first time using any linux.. uh..
so, i was thinking of ripping out all the parts in my SNES, and putting an EPIA 5000-based system in there instead, the sole purpose of which is to run zsnes. sort of like a MAME, but for nintendo fanboys. with me so far?
ideally, this is going to work off of several things i have lying around already.. a USB -> SNES pad joybox, 32mb of ram, and a 128mb CF card (going to have to buy an IDE > CF adapter though).
the eventual goal is for it to not require a keyboard or mouse. i was thinking of possibly wiring up a mouse inside of the box so that the SNES's reset lever acts as a right click (to return to the menu in zsnes - the joypad can select a new game), but that's it.
unless i want to buy a much larger CF card, using windows 95 to run this like i originally intended to is probably a stupid idea. hell, the only reason i was in favor of it to begin with is because i actually know how to make windows boot into zsnes. a friend of mine pointed me in the direction of DSL, and all evidence suggests that it's probably the best option for me. problem being... i can't do a whole lot with it. i made a live CD, got it up and running no problem.. and was subsequently completely unable to find the linux zsnes binary i had downloaded beforehand.
i need a bit of advice. sorry for the broad and probably very silly question, but i don't really know where to go from here.
Look in the mydsl repository for zsnes.dsl in the games section.
hey, that is certainly a start! now, do i need to reburn with it in the (conspicuously empty) lost+found directory, or something?
and can DSL be made to boot into zsnes?
Don't reburn with it in the lost+found directory.
Instead, reburn with the *.dsl file in the top level directory of your cd ISO.
It will automatically be loaded up into the menu at boot time. You will still need to select it from the menu to start the program up unless you write a custom boot script and save it as a mini *.dsl or *.tar.gz file or if you use the /opt/ function along with the backup/restore process. Read up on the DSL documentation site for more details.
original here.