USB booting :: USB 256MB MUVO TXFM

I have a MUVO 256MB MUVO TXFM MP3Player/USB Mass Storage Drive.  I cannot recognize this device whatsoever in linux, nor can i find where the dev is located.  Maybe i'm missing something.  i have read all the documentation i can find about USB for DSL and i have not yet had success.
I have a muvo nomad 128 and I can't use it in linux either.  I believe it uses a non-standard file system because it has some hardware buttons on the stick itself.  I don't know what yours looks like, but that's been my experience.
I have a plain Muvo (no FM), and no probs
with the current DSL, my motherboard is USB 1.1
I have never reformatted it, seems to work fine as
long as it is plugged in before booting.
This unit is fine under Suse 9.2 (2.6 kernel) also.

I bought a creative muvo 256mb today and i cant get it to work... the only option in bios that COULD work is usb-hdd, because when i formatted and installed DSL on it, it showed just a 'j' on the screen... what could be the problem?
Ow btw i saw something interesting... I wanted to upgrade the firmware of my Muvo, and when doing that i had to press the play key while inserting it in the usbslot and holding it for ten seconds. The thing is that now the computer recognized different hardware, and i had to install software. Then when i updated the firmware, i got messages that special blocks have been written to the mp3player. I find this a bit weird... maybe someone could use this info to come up with a way to solve our problem.

btw i'm using a Creative Nomad Muvo 256Mb without the lcddisplay...

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