USB booting :: iPod Shuffle
I recently got an iPod Shuffle. After a week of fiddling with it, I finally had to install WinXP to a spare computer to format the shuffle and get it working, and am now using this to build the song database, thus skipping required use of XP again
In doing this I realized this thing just acts like any old usb stick mass storage device memory thing. So, that leads me to this question:
Has anyone attempted running a usb-boot dsl from their iPod Shuffle? Did it work?
Just seems like it could be pretty cool to use the same doowhackey to cart around your favorite music and your favorite distro.
sounds pretty sweet, how about an OS that just plays the media on it like geexbox or movix?
Exact same thing I was wonder, would be sweet to see if it runs off the shuffle! If I find out anything I will post it.
p.s. Im running the same rebuilder, awesome!
original here.