USB booting :: JOS MP-130 + DSL = sweet :)
I have an mp3-player, Jens of Sweden MP-130 (256Mb), and I loaded DSL 1.0rc2 to it, rebooted my computer and daaamn, this is so sweet.
Yeah, it's pretty slow since the player only supports USB1.1 but it works
Life is good.
Two screenshots and some text about loading from my mp3-player
Is that the player with the built-in FM TRANSMITTER?
That's one cool player. Too bad they never made a USB2 version.
Oh yes they did
It is called MP-120 (despite the lower number, it is a newer and better player) and it has USB2.
The bad thing is that JOS are not allowed by swedish law to sell mp3-players with fm-transmitters (You need a special license to use transmitters for fm-trans...).
original here.