USB booting :: Invalid or Damaged Bootable Partition?


I've followed many tutorials on installing DSL on flash drives. However, when I restart my computer with the flash drive in, it says, "Invalid or damaged Bootable partition". I currently use Windows XP. Could someone walk me through what I need to do to fix this?


Does anyone know of a program I could download, (not fdisk), to partition my USB drive?
1. Download the DSL ISO file.
2. Use a cd burning program like Nero to burn the image file to a CD-R disk.
3. Set your computer BIOS to allow for CDROM booting.
4. Boot up into DSL from the CD-R disk.
5. Open an Xterminal window
6. Type:

sudo cfdisk /dev/sda

and start partitioning your thumb drive.

This assumes that your thumb drive is located at device name sda.  This is usually true unless you have a SCSI hard drive or an external USB hard drive installed in your computer system.

original here.