USB booting :: Using wifi/flash combo drives
So your going to have to excuse my ignorance beacuse I am not very good with linux or have a terrible ammount of experince with it.
So now that I have that out of the way I have one quick question. I am wondering if you would be able to use one of these new wifi/flash combo drives to not only boot linux (b/c i dont see why you couldnt) but also use the 802.11x module. Im not sure if the OS would have access to it from the flash ram. Anyone have any ideas or better yet have one of these devices and wana try it?
Thanks for you time.
Try seaching google for the device model and "linux" or "knoppix"
If it works in knoppix 3.4, it should work in DSL.
Also, you may find some information about linux usb device compatibility here:
thanks for the help cabgger, the drive is pretty new so i was not able to find anything helpful through google.
My main issue is not really compatibility, it is if the linux kernel booting off teh drive will be able to use the wifi adapter without going through the usb port (which i guess could cause a problem b/c the drive and the adapter on on the same port).
Im thinking sticking the device in the back of a computer and then being able to monitor the computer with the device remotely.
USB is a multinode serial bus.
This means that you can connect multiple USB devices from the same physical port.
This is how those "USB extension hubs" that you can buy for 10-30 bucks work fine even though you have 4 devices plugged into them and the "input" side uses only one USB port from your PC.
For example, there may be a small internal hub inside the device that allows both to communicate at the same time.
The only downside is that you are limited in bandwidth so it is possible that your flashdrive or wifi will slow down if you are using both functions at the same time and you are using slower USB 1.1 ports. USB2.0 bandwidth is so high that it is not an issue even with two devices using the same port at the same time.
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