USB booting :: Writting files to USB drive
Hi, I'm really new to Linux and DSL. I've been able to boot into DSL on a 256Mb thumb drive with FAT. I followed the directions at However, I have been unable to write anything to the thumbdrive as far as I understand within DSL. When i create a file it is shows up until I reboot. Also, the filetool.lst does not save changes or preferences I set. If you have any ideas what is wrong I would greatly appreciate it.
1. Boot with the:
dsl frugal
boot command and you can write to your thumbdrive.
2. Read the documentation on how the Backup / Restore function works. Hint: Your usb drive name is most likely "sda1".
Links would be awesome. I've just spent the better part of an hour looking for this mythical documentation, to no avail. Unfortunately, the site navigation here is very poor 
It is in the page that starts up every time you boot dsl (until you figure out how to disable that - which you have to figure out the backup/restore to do...)
This is one of the most common questions on this forum - I don't know, maybe it should be another separate page on boot up with big, red, blinking text or something. 
Oh, and this is the forum - from the DSL page, under Documentation, you get
which has the beginnings of the documentation... as fast as the unpaid volunteers are putting them up. (Thanks J.P.)
Thanks, I got backup/restore working. Is there a way I can write information to the root directory of the USB stick so I don't have to go into windows to drop myDSL packages into the E:\ (usb stick) or E:\optional\ ?
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