USB booting :: Splitting a usb drive

Basicly, i got a 512mb thumb drive.  I'd like to split this into 2 parts, the first containing dsl, the second getting mounted as home.  Any thoughts on how to do this?
? if you mean putting 2 partitions on it try using fdisk in bash. after you partition it do a usb pendrive to the dsl partition on it.
make two fat16 partitions on it, format them using mkdosfs..
Make the first one at least 128MB's ,
to hold the contents of the 5-way/qemu/dsl embedded files.

Install the 5-way as directed..
see the readme in the 5way.tgz in the repository

Once installed , boot from your USBkey ..
Upon hitting the boot: prompt , type

dsl home=sda2

this will make a permanent home dir on your second partition.
Every time you boot using home=sda2 in your boot line ,
you'll have it mounted as your /home/dsl dir..

This works using DSL-1.0 or later ONLY...
and ONLY in NATIVE mode, not emulated in Qemu..

If your not interested in the embedded/qemu tools,
then simply run the "Install to USB script" from the menu..
That only needs a 50MB partition as your first one..


And if you do this, make sure to set your web browser disk Cache to 0 KB size, OR delete your old cache directory and instead make a "cache" in /tmp/cache and create a symlink in /home

This will make sure that you are not frequently writing to your flash device while surfing the web.

Also, if you were adventurous, you could figure out a way to create a jffs2 filesystem partition instead of an ext2 partition.  jffs2 works better with flash drives due to wear-leveling logic.

ok, so im having a little trouble with the whole usb booting thing.  I figured out how to get my pc to boot from a usb device.  Now im getting the wonderful L04 04 04 message(screwed up boot thingy i think).  Suggestions?
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