USB booting :: Lexar 1g geometry

I have a lexar 1g jump drive that I have been trying to get to boot for a while now. I have tried many different settings with out having any luck. I know the computer will boot usb as I done it with other devices. I used the geometry 1024 62 32. I have tried other settings but no luck. I have read every howto and thread I could find. I must be missing something. Has anyone made this stick boot? If so how? What geometry did you use?


I have gotten a Lexar Jump Drive 256MB and a Lexar Jump Drive 1Gig both to boot DSL. After Much frusteration I, contacted Lexar and they sent me an application for a windows environment called "bootit". After I reformat the drives with the "bootit" app I am able to copy the DSL files onto the drives and boot using the "USB-ZIP" option in my Phoenix Bios. However that is the only machine it has worked on for me.  On all the other machines I have used the bootusb-0.8.0.img file to make a floppy boot disk. The boot disk works like a charm on machines that donot support USB booting....
Try making an initial, smaller partition on the drive,
say, the size of the distro = 50MB's , or no more
than 250MB's ..  still try to set your geometry to
something like 32 sectors, 64 heads,
and whatever cylinders you need to make up the total..

Then install DSL to that partition, and see if it boots
using the USB-ZIP option in your bios..

If it works, you can always make another partition out of
the free space, and use it for tunes, extensions, backups, etc.


I just used the method posted at usb boot dsl on an imation 1gig thumb drive and it worked great. This was after trying several other methods that didn't work - including changing usb drive geometry. I left it as 1 large 1Gb partition. HTH
The problem is your using Lexar.  After using a half dozen of so Lexar USB drives (2G, 1G, 256Secure, 128Secure, 128) , some fail within 4 months, I pitched them.  Great pieces of JUNK.
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