USB booting :: USB boot occasionally can't find image
I have installed DSL 0.9.2 to my USB drive (a Kingston Datatraveler 256MB) and after much pain it works. Most of the time
Sometimes during boot i get tons of info about places the image WASN'T found, and it fills the screen just enough to push /dev/sda1 off the screen (If it's even in that list) which is where my DSL is installed.
Most of the times it all works fine, and that's what kind of bothers me... i never thought a computer had "Sometimes" in it's vocabulary, hence i believe its human error behind this.
What did i do wrong?
I've heard of instances where the front USB ports ( usually cable fed )
can be flaky at times, but the rear USB ports ( built-into-mobo) seem to work better .
You might ask clivesay about this, as he has mentioned seeing this.
Meanwhile, give it a shot, if you have been using the front ones ..
Well actually i have been using the soldered connections in the rear, but i guess i should look my BIOS settings over, and maybe find another bucket that can boot from USB and try it there.
Mine is never able to find the image. I've been trying to get my Sandisk Micro Cruzer 512 to boot from Slax, Feather and DSL all with no luck. It does boot to dos and starts booting on all three distros I mentioned, but always hangs about half way in, looking for the image in DSL.
When writing a post of failure it is helpful to also post your BIOS brand as well as the BIOS booting options, and geometry attempted. It is a known problem that AMIBIOS has the most problems booting. Also, some BIOS have particular timing problems. It would be nice to be able to identfy, categorize, and share such. Just stating the brand of pendrive is only part of the equation. Also, have you tried the two new scripts?
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