USB booting :: Saving Settings
I have successfully installed DSL, but I am wondering how to make it save my settings each time that I restart it. For instance, I have to setup my network card to connect each time that I restart, and I want to save those changes. Also, I would like the user settings saved. Things like that.
Any help is much appreciated.
Welcome to the DSL forums..
WIthout knowing your model of network card,
or the details for the network your trying to connect to,
it's very difficult to be specific about your issue.
Here are the results of 20-30 other folks who had the same questions.
( searching the forums using the terms "save AND settings" )
( searching the forums using the terms " save AND network " )
With any luck, saving settings will make it into the documentation area soon..
Using the search feature in the forums is your best tool..
Remember to search thru " all open forums " ,
and choose " from the beginning " to get your widest search..
original here.