USB booting :: SanDisk 256 limited shell

got my 256 sandisk working now. used the hp util to get syslinux working on the usb drive. next i extracted the relevant knoppix folder and the other files on the iso and transfered them directly to the usb drive. i did this from windows and used isobuster which is a freeware.

as for the booting, i make it a habit now to press the relevant key at boot where I can select the boot device. this prevents the not knowing of whether windows or dsl is gonna start especially on the first power on.


I tried all the options to get it work but was not successful and still got the "limited shell" problem. Then I found one article in Feb 2005 saying " Linux on a stick" that what made my USB (sandisk 128) work. hurrray ...:)

Do follow the steps and you shld be abe to boot from the USB:

1)format the USB with FAT ( I used windows format option). You can use fdisk if doing from Linux just be sure it has to be FAT 16.
2)dwnld the lates dsl-1.1.iso.
3) mkdir dsl1
4)mkdir usbdsl.
5)#mount -o loop dsl-1.1.iso dsl1
6)cp -a dsl1/* usbdsl
7)cd usbdsl/
8)mv boot/isolinux/* ./
9)rmdir boot -r
10)mv isolinux.bin syslinux.bin
11)mv isolinux.cfg syslinux.cfg
Now copy all the files from usbdsl to your usd drive (/mnt/usb).
Unmount usb drive
now run #syslinux /dev/sda1    (this will make usb bootable)
reboot the system with the USB in the system and you should see DSL booting screen (if your system boots from USB boot(option) )

thanks and happy linuxing :)

original here.