USB booting :: Cant find usb stick in DSL
I just started with dsl, but im not only a newb to dsl- im newb to linux too.
here is my problem:
i boot up dsl, than want to creat an image to usb stick (or what ever that is called), go through the whole setup, but when i have to choose the device (default it sayd is usually "sda1") it closes. i think it cant find sda1, or any sdax. so how can i install dsl onto my usb stick so that i can boot from it???
another lil question, if that all would work, would it b possible to launch dsl in a normal windows enviroment too- or only as a propper boot source?
thanks for any help!!!
Open up a terminal and enter:
fdisk -l
USB key should be plugged in of course. It's probably sdb1 like mine. As a matter of fact, mine's formatting righ now... :-)
I'm using dsl-embedded on an usb-drive and that works very good. The only thing you have to do to install it after downloading is to unzip it directly to your usb-drive (I usually format my usb-drive with fat32 first). If your bios supports booting from usb you're all set. If you want to use it in a windows environment just plug it in and double-click the dsl-windows bat-file on the usb-drive and it starts booting from qemu. This you can read on the readme file that appears when unzipping the dsl-embedded zip-file. Just remember that using DSL in a windows environment demands a fast processor to be pleasant otherwise it's very slow.
Have fun,
Yeah I know all that, the problem is that that it wont boot from usb removable in bios. i dont know why- my bios is able to boot from usb. but it doesnt.:(
original here.