USB booting :: New Updated Install to Pendrive

Please see site news for DSL 1.1. As part two of the 1.1 release there are now two new methods to ease the installation of DSL on pendrives. The default one actually auto calculates the geometry needed to boot USB-ZIP, the second one uses the drives native geometry and is available only for those computers that can boot from USB-HDD. For more details please see site news for DSL 1.1

As usual YMMV but these two new scripts have had good results in the testing phase. Either one is callable via the existing menu option Apps->Tools->Install to Pendrive.

This worked a treat on the geometry of my Lexar Jumpdrive Elite 256mb. It actually boots, and I couldn't get it to boot before... but now It won't boot completely... here's what my screen shows:

It looks like it's having problems accessing the "knoppix" file?

Sorry for the image size, I'm in DSL at the moment (from cd), and I don't know how to resize images (yet).

EDIT: Is it possible to have the script make the partition as big as yer pendrive (more than 50mb), as I wanna stick qemu on the drive aswell. :)

Mike, try running from a shell. Maybe the script has error'ed out on you.
From  the shell prompt

$ dsl-usbinstall

I probably should edit in a bunch of pauses in the script. But you see I always do all of my installs from runlevel 2. But if you run from shell you should not have any quickly disappearing messages.

As to the other question. During testing it was discovered that the auto geometry begins to fail with anything higher than 256MB. So, in order to try to accomodate all sizes of pendrives, it was decided to make a small 50MB fat and the remaining linux. This seemed to work on all the pendrive that were field tested.  I still have my original script that works up to 256MB and makes a single fat partition.

I don't think the script error'ed out on me, but I'll run it again from the shell just incase....

I'd love your script fo./mkdiskimage -1 /dev/$DEVICE 50 64 32
r a 256mb partition...  
In you script, I noticed the "./mkdiskimage -1 /dev/$DEVICE 50 64 32" seems to make the geometry... I take it this line would have to be modified for different geometry right?

thats the same error i got with 1.0 and the ONLY way to make it stop for me was by NOT copying the BOOT folder to your pen drive

write the image to the pendrive and then copy over ONLY the knoppix and lost found folders

i still had to use frame buffering  why i dont know must be the 2005FPW monitor and the dvi connection.

i also wrote the boot iamge to a floppy and boote that way but i copied the entire current.iso to the pen drive.

if i didnt do it one of those 2 ways it wouldnt work.

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