USB booting :: Help with 1.1

Just to let everyone know that I have used the usbhdd to install dsl on my sandisk 256m pen drive. The installation went without a hitch. I had been trying to get this pen to boot for a week and had no luck at all. It is great! Kudos to Robert and John for this great addition.

I also have a lexar 1g pen that I had gotten to boot by running the 5-way script. I want to use dsl 1.1 on this one and have copied the /knoppicx/knoppix from my sandisk to my lexar. The lexar boots fine and will run embedded in windows. I do have a question about doing this. When I boot my pc directly from the usb pen drive I cannot save my settings. I have changed the syslinux.cfg at the second append to this

"APPEND ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us restore=sda1 toram mydsl=sda1 apm=power-off vga=791 initrd=minirt24.gz nomce noapic qemu quiet"

I have also tried to enter these at the boot: prompt. I get output


I have looked at the /opt/.backup_device and it shows sda1. I have also changed my file filetool.lst and saved it. After a reboot the changes are gone. When I do a system>backup/restore I changed the device to sda1, pushed backup. It appears to complete and there is a backup.tar file in the root / but after a reboot there are none of my settings saved. I have done it from command line and get the above output, but still no save of my settings. Can some one help me with this?


Each system that has been packaged together have matching minirt and knoppix image files that suit a particular need. Mixing and matching these from other packages, syslinux, isolinux, embedded, etc., will result in unpredictable results.
I'm trying the script now...wish me luck!  It's been "writing 0's" for a few there a problem?
Hello spotslayer!

I have been using dsl-embedded for a while and for me it works fine to make a backup. The only condition under which it won't work for me is when sda1 is mounted. I just use System --> Backup/Restore from the menu and it works OK. Before I had to umount sda1 to make a backup because I used files from it. Now I have put most everything I use on the virtual hd in qemu which comes up as hdb. I have made a larger virtual hd to make room for what I need. That enables me to mount hdb and use whatever files I want on it even openoffice.uci and still being able to make a backup to my usb-drive at the same time (without umounting). I have a Sandisk Cruzer Titanium 512 and I find it perfect to take along with files I might need and like 4 hours of my favourite musik. Nice, isn't it? Hope this is of any help to you!

Have fun,

original here.