USB booting :: boot from floppy

I could not find a discription in the forum what to do when your old laptop has an USB port, but doesn't support booting from USB. So I found out, and this is how to do it.

Extract: Create a floppy with a fat16 file system. Copy the contents of the root of the pendrive with the dsl on it, so everything except the /knoppix directory. Change some content of syslinux.cfg. Set your laptop to boot from floppy with the pendrive in the USB port.

1)  Create a floppy with a fat16 file system. Do not mount the floppy. I thought it would be easy, but it wasn't. The normal way is "/sbin/mkfs.msdos /dev/fd0", but this didn't work for me, and besides, dsl doesn't have it. So I used fdisk: /sbin/fdisk. Make a new primary partition, change the system id to 6 (fat16), set the boot flag to 'on'. Check with 'p'. Write the file system to disk.

2) Mount the pendrive with the dsl system on it: mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1. Mount the floppy: mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy. If you do this from a dsl from the pendrive, then sda1 is already mounted as /cdrom.

3) Copy the contents of /mnt/sda1 to /mnt/floppy: cp /mnt/sda1/* /mnt/floppy. Only the knoppix directory will not be copied.

4) Change the contents of /mnt/floppy/syslynux.cfg with an asci editor e.g. beaver.
a) change 'DEFAULT LINUX24'  to 'DEFAULT dsl'
b) remove the full first line that starts with APPEND
c) remove the last line starting with 'LABEL userdef'
c) change all 'BOOT_IMAGE=knoppix' to 'BOOT_IMAGE=/dev/sda1/knoppix'

5) umount /mnt/floppy and /mnt/sda1.

You're done.
Any comment is appreciated.

or, you could just use the bootusb.img in the current/ directory of the mirrors...
Wonderful. But how is one supposed to know with the information scattered all over the the forum? I at least could not find a quick answer to my problem. It's been days before I found a solution for my USB boot problem with AMIBIOS  but not in the DSL forums. Is there an article describing the do's en dont's of DSL? I was amazed to find out that there is not one howto for installing DSL. But there are several in the forum each describing some solution. For such a wonderful thing as a complete Linux system on a pendrive there should also be a howto with lots of common problems and solutions. For instance, yesterday I tried to install DSL 1.1 on my pendrive using the script on the CD. I could not even get past the boot sequence after that, so I copied back the old files. This stumps me.

BTW is there a way to see which version of DSL I'm using? Ans what the differences are between the versions?

I nkow, I know. Write the howto yourself you will say. But I'm just a DSL beginner and my howto would be full of gaps and errors.

Had you even considered looking in the Documentation section linked on the front page?

We have how-tos for almost every way to boot, install and run DSL.

Check it out!

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