USB booting :: problems
i added the 2 scripts (and the stuff that came with them) to my cd using ultraISO and it boots fine but i cant find which device is my cdrom! when it boots it says "booting from image at /dev/scd0" so when i finally get into the GUI i go to a root shell and type mount /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom and then it says "the file system is readonly blah blah blah" and then i do ls /mnt/cdrom and all i get it /mnt/cdrom in teal colored letters, wtf is goin on here? and why are there so many folders under /mnt? shouldnt there only be folders that are needed by FSTAB? another problem im having is that i cant connect to the internet cuz DSL doesnt recognize my ethernet adapter! any help with this?
1. What scripts?
2. does it do this with a regular DSL cd?
3. the folders in /mnt are created from what is detected while creating fstab
4. What ethernet adapter?
original here.