USB booting :: DSL shrunk my Cruzer Mini!!!

I installed DSL to a SanDisk Cruzer Mini (128MB) a couple days ago, and then I deleted all the files from it.  Later on today, I went to place some files on my now empty pendrive and noticed that the new capacity of the drive was 49.8MB, instead of 128MB.  How do I restore the setting back to 128MB in either Windows or DSL?

Thanks and please be prompt.

When you installed DSL did you partition your drive? If so you will need to un-partition the drive into one whole partition in order to utilise the whole drive space ... I'm not sure how to go about doing this though ... someone else will have to tell you, but, there are probably some tutorials on the net somewhere ... just google "disk partitioning" or "repartitioning" or something like that.
You can do it from within DSL.

Boot from CD and get dosfstools from the myDSL repository.

Assuming that your drive appears as device "sda", open an xterminal window and type:

sudo su
cfdisk /dev/sda

Use cfdisk to delete existing partitions and create a new single FAT partition type, write changes and exit.

mkfs -t msdos /dev/sda1

Great.  i hope this works.  Thanks.
If this doesn't work, try opening an xterminal and type:

sudo su
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda

and it should completely wipe your USB device.

You can then use MS Windows to reformat it.

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