USB booting :: dsl-usbinstall thru proxy?
I have dsl_embeded v1.2.1 and run it from my pen drive (kingston 128mb). i can boot it but i still find the message " can't mount the cd rom".. why ?? i use samsung dvd rom. dsl it's not sopport it? what i can to fix the problem? but it's not only the problem. i still find dsl running to slowly. Celeron 2.26G - 256 mb pc 2700 - sata 80 giga maxtor - Gforce 4 mx 440 64 mb. if i wanna to exit dsl i use the close button on the right button. it's true to do? please help me broe.. i really love Damn Small Linux. i having wait to long time to have a simple OS. thx for attention. 
original here.