USB booting :: Any word on PPC (Apple)?

Wonder what's the best way to get/build a Power PC version of the distribution.

The only option I see right now is to install some distribution on an external drive and build it from scratch there.

Is there any shortcut?

Look for a Debian livecd for PowerPC like KNOPPIX. Then remaster it until it looks like DSL.

Or you can get QEMU for power PC and run the REAL dsl.iso inside a virtual machine.

Virtual PC / VMWare should also work.

you might have some look asking the devs that hang out
in the

a USB flashdrive booting DSL would be GOOD for ALL PPC
machines, PegasosII, mac, and all others with usb connectors.

personally id like to see a fully working DSL
usb hd(pendrive(128M,256M,512M))/liveCD along the lines of the (nice idea,shame about the   implimentation) BUT with all the working linux wireless drivers to date, Not just standard linux, ACX111 11g being No1.
the OFFICIAL RTL linux 8180 11b PCi(hard to find on their site,but there) that works great as eather a standard wireless
or as an ACCESS point in standard X86 redhat 9.0

someone please compile these two at least and in such a way as to just be able to copy to the right place in DSL, placed in the official mirrors would be the best place to find them.
During the last few day I managed to finalize a first version of NIKTARIX, NIKTARIX is a new Knoppix like Live CD for the ppc platform I am working on.
It was build from scratch using code from KNOPPIX and KANOTIX and almost only Debian Sarge binaries where used. At the moment I have only tested it on two Genesi ODW/PowerPC and it seems to work quite nice. I don't know how it does on other powerpc 's and Mac computers, in theory for mac's it would only need a kernel, yaboot etc. But lacking a macintoch myself I could not build a kernel and test it. If I can get my hands on a mac or an other powerpc I will do my best to make it work on those too and let you know.
Before continuing developing, I wanted some feedback on NIKTARIX so I can figure out what to add/remove/change/fix in future versions based on ppc users needs. Please keep in mind that NIKTARIX may contain serious bugs and quite some work has to be done to get it in shape. Things like adding KNOPPIX utils and features that are missing at the moment, finding a host for the project,making a website, forums, writing some documentation etc, are only a small
part of things that have to be done.
NIKTARIX atm contains among other's:
kernel 2.6.11, KDE 3.3.2, UNIONFS, Mozilla / Firefox, Openoffice, GIMP

Small notes about NIKTARIX :
Some features are missing either because they are not ready/ported
yet, some of them are i386 specific and can not work on the ppc platform, and some others could not compile yet.
At the moment only the english language strings are included. Other languages will follow when ppl have a need for them.
Knoppix cheatcodes _can_ be used, just put them at the end of the line in the OF prompt.
UNIONFS takes a while to load when booting, just be patient.
UNIONFS means that you can work like if it was from hard disk while it is running from CD. You can for example install/remove .deb files

To boot it use from the OF the command :
boot cd niktarix root=/dev/ram rw init=linuxrc

Here is the link for anyone who wants to test it:

Be sure to verify the .iso file with:

You can send any comments, bugsreports and bugfixes to

Many thanks go to Genesi, Jorg Schirottke, Sven Luther, Fabian Franz and all other ppl that helped.

Have fun
Nick Niktaris

original here.