USB booting :: DSL on USB flash
I just got a 1gig usb flash drive. I want to install DSL on it. I looked all over, and there aren't clear instructions on doing so.
Can anybody tell me which ISOs to download and how to get it on the flash drive.
I can't boot my PC to USB, so Ill make a floppy to do that for me. Thats no problem. Im just confused at to which ISOs to get, and how to put it on the flash...
You must down the 50MB ISO.
Burn that to a cd.
Boot from the Cd.
When the desktop manager loads, you can right click.
You will see Install DSL to USB (or similar)
It needs an internet connection, because it downloads files from
Hi Outsider!
You can also download dsl-embedded and just unzip it to your usb-drive. Some computers can boot directly from usb with dsl embedded and others not. If yours can't just burn a cd with dsl and boot with it (that's what I do). At the boot prompt issue the following commands: dsl fromhd=/dev/sda1 qemu frugal xsetup and follow the xsetup process. That's it!
Have fun,
How should the udb key be formated,ie FAT,DOS ect.
original here.