USB booting :: anything and everything, installing to USB

:cool: ok well I have been a windows user since I was 7 *yeah yeah Boo's and Hisses* anyway being converted at the moment due to problems setting up a server but only just discovering it....

I have a 128 MB USB flash drive laying around I thought would put to use...

my Step Daughter travels alot....

she is 10 doesn't know the URL's for her email etc off by heart so needs help and when she is away from here she doesn't get it, when home she just uses a client anyway...

so I thought a live cd version on USB would help her out....

but to save problems when she uses other's PC's and with various versions I don't really want her having to boot the entire computer to use it...basically be able to plug it in start it up and everything is there for her....

I don't know if she will want to save anything to the USB, her email wont need to be as it is all collected here anyway *yes we check her mail for things she shouldn't be receiving*

from my reading here (yes done alot of that already but most of it is *whizzing* over my head) it seems that it requires some additional installed haven't got the page open so can't remember what you called it this instant, started with g

anyway downloaded the Iso, lol and the 5way lol and the bootlivecd - usb img and got no idea what the hell I am doing or even what will work....

basically my mind is thinking I am missing something (namely that other program which can't understand what to do with it)

other than that am I right in thinking I burn and run the liveCD set up what she needs right click and install to USB ?

if you keep your explainations simple enough I can manage, priority is that using it is simple for her. plug in and use....

NB. winzip can't open the tar file 5way, so I am stuck  ???

You need to burn the *.iso file to a CD-R disk as a "burn cd image file".

You can't run the 5-way script from MSWindows.  It needs to be run from inside DSL after you boot up from your livecd.

Set your computer BIOS to allow booting from CDROM (it may already be enabled by default).

Then stick in your newly burnt livecd and reboot the machine.

You need to burn the *.iso file to a CD-R disk as a "burn cd image file".

You can't run the 5-way script from MSWindows.  It needs to be run from inside DSL after you boot up from your livecd.

Set your computer BIOS to allow booting from CDROM (it may already be enabled by default).

Then stick in your newly burnt livecd and reboot the machine.

burnt disk had it sitting next to me half the night wondering what to do with it :p

I think I discovered that just a moment ago

can't seem to do it using vmware, I hate that thing but wont go into my gripes right now....

I finally managed to download a file I could open with winzip  :D  without it spitting up an error

thanks for that, having to reboot this PC isn't fun but we must do what we must do  :;): I shall likely be back in half an hour saying Ahhhhhmmm I am stuck again  :D

ohhhhhhhhhhhh translation would be really nice right about now  :(

ok question, on another PC downloading it all over again

I have pretty much no idea which is what in this O/S to be honest so what do I use to open it  ???

just maybe to save me a few hours of trial error and hunting  :D

oh FUDGE! :( I think I totally ballsed it
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