USB booting :: ehci-hcd

I hope you can help me with a problem I have booting
DSL from a "Kingston Data Traveler Elite 1GB" USB Stick.

1. I booted the DSL from a CD.
2. activated ehci-hcd by insmod command, everything was fine,
the USB stick was showing USB2.0 connection.
3. Install DSL on pen-drive by useing the script on "apps ->tools ->install on USB-pendirve"
4. install was sucessfull and dsl is booting from the stick

but the ehci-hcd module is not loading and the stick is showing USB 1.1. connection.

where must I load the ehci-hcd ?

Do this.

Download a copy of the USB boot floppy image file from the DSL website.

Then find and download the program.

Create a DSL USB boot floppy disk using this program.

Rename the minirt24.gz file on your usb drive to minirt24.gz.old

Copy the minrt24.gz file over from the boot floppy into your usb drive.



Also having a Kingston DataTraveller USB stick, I read the suggestions with interest.

Used the menu provided USB installation (ie: the USB-HDD) routine.  All seemed to go fine.

Renamed the minirt24.gz on the USB stick to minirt24.gz.old and copied the minirt24.gz from the usb-boot floppy to the USB stick.


Started off OK, the 'ehci-hcd' module was loaded and the USB stick was recognised.

Then, the routine 'looked' in (it seemed) every 'sdn' device, from /dev/sda1 to /dev/sdg7

After which the screen messages said:

Accessing DSL Linux at /dev/sda1... cat: No file /KNOPPIX/etc/

Setting paths.... /linuxrc: /KNOPPIX/bin/rm: not found

followed by a series of 'not found' messages and ending in a 'Kernel panic' message.

Any suggestions?



i´ve the same problem :/

the minirt from the usb-bootdisk is recognizing the stick
corrcet with ehci-hdc,
then it´s searching for /knoppix and finally fails with
a kernel panic which says that it cant find root fs.

I apologize.

I assumed that you were running the usbzip pendrive instead of the usbhdd one.

Try putting the minirt24.gz.old file back to minirt24.gz

to get you back to your original state.

Then reboot and open an xterminal and type this:

sudo su
mkdir /mnt/image

If running from livecd:
mount /mnt/sda1
cp /mnt/sda1/minirt24.gz /home/dsl/minirt24.gz
gunzip minirt24.gz

If running from usb:
cp /cdrom /home/dsl/minirt24.gz /home/dsl/minirt24.gz
gunzip minirt24.gz

Then continue with:
mount -t ext2 -o loop minirt24 /mnt/image
beaver /mnt/image/linuxrc

Go to line 227 or search for "usb-ohci.o;" and change it to
"usb-ohci.o ehci-hcd.o;"
save file and exit beaver

The ehci-hcd.o drive file should already be existing at /mnt/image/modules/scsi/ehci-hcd.o

If not, copy it over using this command:
cp /lib/modules/2.4.26/kernel/drivers/usb/host/ehci-hcd.o /mnt/image/modules/scsi/ehci-hcd.o

umount /mnt/image
gzip -9 minirt24

Then rename your old minirt24.gz to minirt24.gz.old
and copy your newly created file in it's place:
cp /home/dsl/minirt24.gz /mnt/sda1/minirt24.gz


cp /home/dsl/minirt24.gz /cdrom/minirt24.gz

Then reboot and give it a try.

Hope this helps.

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