USB booting :: boot issues and windows issue
I am using DSL to boot off a pen drive and have had intermittent problems. The biggest of which is that I need to be able to boot into DSL via the pen drive, and have windows be able to see the second partition that is fat to use the space of the drive for transfers etc. The probel I 'm running into is after redoing the pen drive, and using the ZIP install, as the HDD install fails on most boxes, I get the error about /KNOPPIX/bin/rm: Not found and a kernel panic : VFS: unable to mount root fd on 01:03...
Any ideas about windows on;y seeing the sda1 partition and not the sda2, oh windows sees it but wont let me into it....
The issue with windows is..... windows.
XP just won't do it..
W2K supposedly can with SP3..
95/98/ME give me no troubles at all..
GO figure..
BTW, all my linux boxes see them both just fine 
Oh yeah, all flavors of Linux have NO PROBLEM seeing both, just XP......ahhh Micro$oft does it again!
I would be nice to be able to go to someone elses machine and have all my stuff on a pen drive with out having to put a CD and boot off that, but that seems like the best way to go......
Try re-installing with the new USBHDD pendrive install script.
original here.