USB booting :: USB - Confused
The frugal command does two things. It allows the superuser (user account called "root") to read and write to the boot device. It also gets rid of the "Please remove the cd, close the drawer and press ENTER" message that appears during the shutdown process. It may also do some other things, too. I don't know.
If you want to boot up with ignored xwindows settings, try booting with:
dsl frugal xsetup
and you will be prompted to set your configuration including mouse type.
When running a frugal install or a remaster, you should put your *.dsl or *.tar.gz or *.uci files inside the root directory of your storage device or cd-r disk. If you want to optionally load them, you can create a new directory called /optional inside your boot device and then store the files in this location.
I'm going to try 1.3 anyway but if I do a usb install, there's an error message when shutting down about unable to mount CD Rom (which I'm guessing is the knoppix virtual image ??) does it successfully save my settings 
re frugal, could i in theory run a frugal usb key, change some stuff and then remaster a cd from the usb key ??
it would be useful to be able to use a boot cdrom for the usb, can I do this by entering some commands at the dsl boot prompt ? so I've got a cd if I forget my key but boot from key otherwise ?
In theory you could use a USB drive for remastering. Search for RAM remastering in the forums, it would be a similar approach.
RE: Cdrom to boot up the USB stick:
Try booting with
dsl fromhd=/dev/sda1
and see if it works.
The command is something like that, if I remember correctly.
it worked thanks
original here.