USB booting :: Booting from 'official' USB Stick

Rather than mess about, I decided to Contribute To The Cause, and bought a USB stick from DSL...

Has anyone had one of these working on a Dell Latitude laptop? Mine is a D800, if that makes any difference.

It gets as far as displaying one line:
SYSLINUX 2.04 (Debian, 2003-06-06)
and apart from a flashing cursor, that's it!

Any suggestions? I can't try it on anything else right now, as all the other machines in this place can't boot from USB.



Dell computers seem to like USBHDD formatted bootable USB sticks.

I think the official USB stick uses the USBZIP method of booting.

If this is true, you can rebuild your stick using the Install to pendrive script.

You will need to boot from livecd, then plug your usb stick and then run the "Install to Pendrive" script from the menu.  It will then download the script from the Internet and you can choose USB HDD install.

Hopefully, this will solve the problem.

original here.