USB booting :: Clear Explanation
Ok, First off I have to say that I am a completely newbie to DSL.
I have searched the forums for a while and can still not find a clear definition on how to install and boot DSL from a USB pendrive. I have a 256 Cruzer Mini USB Pendrive. Right now I am just running DSL embedded but I want to run DSL from boot-up. Could someone please explain to me how to install to and boot from a pendrive?
Thank you for any help!
Apps >> Tools >> Install to USB Pendrive
To be more precise:
1) Download the current dsl.iso file (as of this writing it is version 1.3)
2) Use a cd burning program in your original OS to burn the ISO file to a CD-R disk AS AN IMAGE. IE:
If you use Nero5, Choose: File -> Burn Image
If you use Nero6, Choose: Recorder -> Burn Image
3) Set your computer BIOS to allow booting from CD. Then insert the newly made cd and boot up DSL natively.
4) Choose Apps -> Tools -> Install to USB Pendrive
If you have a Dell (or maybe HP) then choose USBHDD install. If your BIOS options support USBZIP booting, then instead do a USBZIP install.
5) Reboot, remove the cd and try booting from the USB device. Make sure that USB booting is enabled in the BIOS. Also, some PCs will only support USB booting from the REAR ports and some require "USB Keyboard emulation" to be turned on.
Thank you for your help. I have it up and running now and I love it.
original here.