USB booting :: Newbie Graphics Problem

I’ve been a Linux ‘wannabe’ for some time. I’m pretty well versed in DOS & Windows, but need help with one problem since I’m not familiar with your package’s software.

I am trying to use DSL on an older laptop (Dell Inspiron 300 / 32 meg memory / 200 MHz). I am booting from a floppy
and have the system installed on a USB Flash drive. My plan is to install it to the hard drive. It loads up fine, but a problem occurs when it gets to the desktop. The screen’s colors are completely washed out. The screen is light yellow and green and is very faded. The icons and text are way too faint to be read.

I’ve tried adjusting the video setup with the F3 option with no success. Any ideas would be welcome.


Try entering this command at the boot prompt:

fb800x600 xsetup

and NOT
dsl fb800x600 xsetup

and then choose xfbdev server at the setup prompt

That did it. Thanks for the help.


original here.