USB booting :: booting from Creative MuVo

has anyone tried booting from a CREATIVE 5GB MUVO SQUARE WMA/MP3 PLAYER. i plan on buying one of those. if i could boot from it, it would be great.


My guess is that it would be difficult to boot from this device because it is larger than 2.1GB in size.

This means that it probably uses the FAT32 instead of the original FAT filesystem (FAT has a 2.1GB size limit).

The SYSLINUX bootloader that is used for booting both the USBHDD and the USBZIP versions requires a FAT partition.  Unless something has changed recently, it does not work with FAT32.

Assuming that you still want to use your MUVO as an MP3 player, your options are limited.

The easiest option is to do a USB version of the "poorman's install" and copy the \KNOPPIX\KNOPPIX file over from the liveCD into your MUVO.  Make sure that the directory name and the file name are ALL UPPERCASE letters or ALL LOWERCASE letters.

Then download the usb boot floppy image from the  DSL website and also get the rawrite2 or rawrite32 programs (search google).

Use an rawrite to make a usb boot floppy disk.  Then you can use this boot floppy to start up DSL on your MUVO.

Another option is to boot from the livecd with a command like this:

dsl fromhd=/dev/sda1 frugal

and it should switch over to the MUVO during the boot process.

Another option is to try and repartition your MUVO in such a way that you have a FAT partition at the beginning of your device.  But this will probably make your MP3 player stop working so it is a long shot at best.

thanks cbagger01, but this is what i did.

1) partition the the drive gave it a 60mb ext2 partition and the rest of it for the fat32.

2) used EXTLINUX to boot it.

3) put the files in the ext2 partition

i guess i could have put a fat instead of a ext2, but it works.


original here.