USB booting :: USB Install trouble
Here is my situation :
I've tried using both DSL 1.1 and DSL 1.3 to install it onto a USB PEN drive but I get the same results each time.
The result is DSL can not connect to the ibiblio (or whatever) server to get the data needed. Most recently I remember getting the 404 error reported by DSL during the attempted install.
This has been tried on two computers multiple times both of which always had the abilitity to contact the internet.
I really like DSL as an OS but this is really ghey.
I was having the same trouble so here's what I did.
Run the install script to the point where it asks you where to get the .iso LiveCD, File, Web
Ctrl+C to cancel the script
open up a terminal
#cd /opt
change the MIRROR= line to a different mirror
save changes and exit
That should work.
^^Do all that in a root terminal
you may have to manually delete the current.iso and current.iso.md5.txt first
original here.