USB booting :: Dual Processor Boxes
Has anyone else had an issues with system having dual processors, including HT p_IV's and Dual AMD opterons, failing to boot?
i have encountered the same issue where it failed to boot on the AMD opterons. It will be good if someone can give some inputs in fixing it
Could be kernel related ??
I run DSL on several dual processor boards without any issues ..
AMD "MP " 1.9GHz O/Cto 2133MHz dual cpu's ( A7M-266D )
P3-1000's O/C to 1077MHz dual cpu's ( Abit VP6 )
Celeron 533's O/C to 850MHz dual cpu's ( Abit BP6 )
HP Vectra P-Pro 200MHz dual cpu's
Hoping for an EPIA dual 1GHz mini-itx soon, should be out about October'ish ..
Dual or Quad opterons are a bit out of my budget ..
Same with a Supermicro P4 Dual Xeon board ..
Should you come across any 'extras' ...
... I'll be happy to provide you with a mailing address ;-)
Booted on a dual P4 3.4GHz the other day... a Dell...
and that's about as much as I know on that subject 
If I use VMware on hte dual Opteron, it sees it as a single Opteron 242 and boots and runs great. That's VMware under XP Pro. If I boot with a CD or USB stick, I get the two penguins and it locks a few lines after that, and did the same thing on a HT 3.4 gHZ P-IV, both have 2 gig of RAM.....Odd, but it did run with AMD no problem under VMWare and it did see it as an opteron.
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