USB booting :: CD booting?
When you boot from a properly made live CD, have no worries.
It will not access the hard drives until YOU tell it to do so.
Have fun!
Thanks a lot. I'm ready to take the linux dive. 
To bad games dont run on linux or I would probley have permient linux installed because linux is easy on the resources and I own 73 comptuer games.
Plug in your IPOD and boot from DSL cd. Then use the
dmesg | more
command to see if the kernel recognizes your ipod and what it is called... ie... your hard drive is called /dev/hda1 IPOD may be called /dev/hdb /dev/hdc or the like.
Then to check if you can use it Right click on the DSL desktop and choose system backup/restore and restore to your IPOD ie.... hdc.
Make sure you find out what the IPOD is called with dmesg ...
After it backs up you can mount the IPOD and you should find a
backup.tar.gz file on it. If you find this file then you know it worked.
original here.