USB booting :: BitOff Topic
I run my cablemodem broadband through my USB port because I have no Ethernet Card whatsoever, and I'd rather work with what I've got, than buy a new one (to all you commentors) . I do not know if DSL supports this type of hookup, or if I can configure it in some way to run through my USB cable modem.
I would say give it a try, it can't hurt and it might be fun. Boot up the live CD with everything connected and see if it recognizes your hardware. The boot screen is text mode so you can get a visual on what's being loaded as it happens. When it's finished loading you can exit X if you want to see the report, or you can enter lsmod in terminal to see what's loaded. That said...I picked up a NIC from a corporate IT guy for free, plugged it in and it worked. Seems NICs are cheap and plentiful.
Try this.
Open an xterminal window and type:
sudo su
modprobe cdcether
and see if it works.
original here.