USB booting :: Auto boot from USB?
I want DSL to auto boot, u know without having to push enter at the "splash screen"
It must be possible right?
I did a search but no one has adressed it.
Oh. one more Q.
what is roots password?
kinda hard too SSH without it ....
Best regards
Search the file "isolinux.cfg" and adjust the timeout to a lower value.
You might want to take a look at the syslinux documentation:
You might adjust the root password yourself with the following command:
Have fun!
Thanks for quick reply
I dont have time to try right now, but i will later tonight (damn "life" keeping me away from puters
Thanks again
Found it in syslinux.cfg
But when i sudo passwd it is'nt saved.
So when rebooting i have to go to machine (it is in another "house") & sudo passwd again.
is there a way to save it?
I have the same question and problem. Is there a procedure to change the root password permanently. I use a usb-zip pendrive installation. Would be fine if there is a way
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