DSL Embedded :: Remote X applications

Hi all

I'm running DSL-embedded over a WXP. Everything runs well, but when I telnet a remote machine, export the display, and run xclock, all I get is "Error: Can't open display:"

My wxp gets a dhcp IP, which is today
My DSL gets a dhcp IP, which is today (and I don't know where it gets it)
The remote machine I want x applications to be shown at my DSL is
I can make use of the net when I begin transactions, such as telnet, ftp, http....
Before telnetting, I make xhost + at the same xterm.

It's getting on my  nerves!!!!!

Thanks for helping

Please visit the qemu website and their help forums.

They may be able to shed some more light on receiving incoming connections to a virtual PC (in this case, one that is running DSL) and bridging the QEMU simulated networking.


I tried this command
START qemu\qemu.exe -L qemu/ -enable-audio -localtime -redir tcp:6000::6000 -kernel linux24 -initrd minirt24.gz -hda KNOPPIX/knoppix -hdb qemu/harddisk -append "qemu sb=0x220,5,1,1 frugal quiet modules=hdb"
wich should redirect incomming connections to port 6000 to DSL, but it doesn't work. But, at least, the error I get at the remote server when I launch xclock is:

XIO: Fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server "myIP:0.0" after 0 request (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining

Don't know what to try next.....

1) Do you have a firewall or a software firewall program like "Windows Firewall" or "Norton Firewall" or "Zone Alarm?  If so, you may need to configure it to allow incoming connections for this port and allow for application qemu.exe

2) Does the redir work for user mode networking?  I think DSL uses user mode networking.

3) Last, but not least, there is some security built into the DSL xserver settings regarding tcp connections.  Try typing:

beaver /home/dsl/.xserverrc

and edit the startup command line.

Then save and exit.

Finally, restart your x server by "Exit Window Manager" and then type:


after you get a console commandline prompt.

The version of Qemu that comes with DSL doesn't support that kind of networking you need.
I am working on this myself and I haven't found the solution. The only feasible solution wuould be aQemu compiled with OpenVPN support, but really you are better off in the Qemu forum or the qemu-devel mailing list

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