DSL Embedded :: Hang on "Restoring backup files"

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Yikes! You are overwriting a real *nix device.
Don't mess with anything in the /dev directory.

Also, you *are* doing this outside of Qemu.
The dd command is making a regular file with contents suitable for a virtual disk drive. So you would use a simple name like mystuff or myextns or harddisk2 or something that would not conflict with existing. Just as harddisk sitting in the Qemu directory is a file. So too will be your additional file.

This is a complex area. The example I posted in the Wiki was primarily to show how to make it bigger and not lose the default backup data.

Also, be aware that the harddisk is the only virtual drive that gets auto mounted when booting natively when the qemu boot option is given. Having additional virtual hard drives means manual mount when booting natively and adding additional drive map options in the dsl-window bat file.

If this sounds all too confusing, you may wish to grab the Qemu utilities to help ease the making of additional virtual drives. Visit the Qemu site for more information.

original here.