DSL Embedded :: Alternatives to the batch file
I was wondering if there was a way to start DSL other than through the batchfile/MSDOS as DOSprompts are disabled at my school and I want to run it there at lunchtimes for MSN and to get past the overly restrictive filters.
Sounds like you need help from a MSWindows guru, so I would search the net for Windows help.
But in my opinion, it is not a good idea to defeat your school's network and computing policies.
If someone either walks in the room and observes your behavior, or if it is detected via network analysis tools, you could get suspended or expelled depending on if you have strict authorities.
There are some old dos based programs bat2exe and bat2com that I used back in the mid 90s they are probably freeware or shareware. Those might help, however I share cbagger01's opinion and post this merely for intructional purposes.
Or reboot the computer from a DSL cd, perhaps with a "fromhd=/dev/sda1 qemu frugal" cheatcode?
While I agree with what has been said above about attempting to circumvent your school network, I provide this information and suggest you do the right thing.
Here is a small, simple program that will convert the batch file that calls DSL embedded into an executable (.exe) file. I was looking at it some time ago with the same idea.
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