DSL Embedded :: Abiword

i am currently using dsl embedded.

i downloaded abiword from mydsl extension manager,
and it opens up fine.

i have used abiword in the past, and was always able
to work with documents in the ".doc" format (word for windows) with no problem.

however, with this abiword, when i try to open a document
in the ".doc" format, all i see on the page is question marks where the letters should be.

can you pls advise how i can fix this ???

most of the documents i use are in the ".doc" format, and abiword is basically useless if i cant work with the ".doc" documents.

any help is greatly appreciated.

i am new to dsl, i am trying to learn, thanks for help and patience.


Trying to guess, maybe the document you want to open was written with a very new version of Office (XP ?).
Does it happen with all .doc's?
Does it happen with .rtf?
Try to generate a document with Wordpad, save it as .doc and then open it with Abiword, see what happens.

Does it make a difference if you are running it on a natively booted DSL? Just wondering why an extension concern is posted here?
dear pr0f3550r,

thanks for your reply.  i only use documents in the
".doc" format, because that is what my company
uses.  this problems seems to occur with all documents
created in microsoft word version 2000 or earlier, in the
".doc" format.  your kind assist is greatly appreciated,
because i cant handle my company documents due to
this problem.

regards - kenzo


dear roberts,

i use dsl embedded for the portability
advantage. i do not use any other version
of dsl or linux, and i want to stay with dsl
embedded for the portability. the portability
is a terrific advantage for a business traveller,
but not if you cant handle basic business
documents created in the ".doc" format.  i
am guessing that most companies in the world
use the ".doc" format.

anyway, that is why i posted
in the dsl embedded forum.

any suggestions you have are greatly appreciated.

regards - kenzo

If you want better *.doc compatibility, try OpenOffice extension.

It is huge and slow to load up, but it offers the best compatibility with MSWord

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