DSL Embedded :: Embedded vs. QEMU + ISO

I am participating in the Qemu-dev mailing list to keep tabs on what is going on Qemu. There is always a lot of activity and I don't believe it centers on any particular host OS. There are groups of developers who focus on SPARC & ARM because those areas have only recently got started but for the most part the patches coming in are for universal issues and features.

Recently there has been mention of a network performance problem between a Windows host and a Linux guest that was introduced at 0.8.0 version. It is being worked to resolve and while I have no influence on when a particular version comes out, my guess is this issue will be patched before a version is released.

There has also been some advancements in USB mouse and tablet support but this is an area that is just beginning.

It is possible to compile from the nightly CVS but I do not have the setup yet and I need to learn more about getting CVS patches.


original here.