DSL Embedded :: How to disable the messages during bootup

Hi. Thanks for the help,

I tried putting that console=/dev/null CONSOLE=/dev/null in the append string
The string now looks like:
START qemu\qemu.exe -L qemu/ -no-kqemu -m 128 -soundhw sb16 -localtime -kernel linux24 -initrd minirt24.gz -hda KNOPPIX/knoppix -hdb qemu/harddisk -append "qemu sb=0x220,5,1,5 frugal quiet modules=hdb noscsi nousb nofirewire atapicd noideraid noacpi acpi=off noapm noagp ide1=noprobe ide2=noprobe nomce console=/dev/null CONSOLE=/dev/null"

But still the boot messages are visible.
How can i disable them?

original here.