DSL Embedded :: How to reduce DSL?

I don't like or need some application in DSL,I will remaster the cd,
question is how can I remove some application clean?


You would have to manually delete what you don't want.
is there a sort of uninstall thingie on dsl to manage dependency?
You can try installing the dpkg.dsl and use that to remove only the deb's that are installed, but you might still kill your system. In root terminal> apt-get --purge (name of package) or if you want to do it by gui you can install synaptic. Make sure you read up on what ever your trying to remove to see if it is safe, it's your system so it's up to you. When i did mine i used a test install first to see what i could remove with out messing things up to much, once i had a good enough list i wiped it and made a real install that i wanted to use.
just want to delete some of the default applications like image editing softs.. will it just be rm... or installing synaptic will do it.

by the way im using 3.0.1-embedded

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